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Vivai Mola della Badia

Agave bracteosa - spider agave (14 cm pot)

Agave bracteosa - spider agave (14 cm pot)

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    Genus of over 200 species of rosette-forming monocarpic perennials and succulents of desert and mountainous regions of North, Central, and South America. Agave bracteosa is a single or clustered perennial succulent with small rosettes of 30-50 cm of yellowish green colour. The thin, lanceolate leaves, up to 50 cm long, have no thorns but are finely toothed on the edges and are sharp to the touch. After 10-15 years the rosette produces a characteristic inflorescence up to 1.5-2 m high. Numerous white or light yellow flowers. After flowering the rosette dies.

    Pedoclimatic needs

    Grow in full sun or partial shade in moderately fertile and well-drained soil, preferably with a good limestone content. Moderately rustic species, it grows in Mexico at altitudes up to 1700 m above sea level and tolerates not too intense frosts down to -7°\-9°c for short periods. During the dry season it resists drought well, although it benefits from regular irrigation by waiting for the earth to dry between one irrigation and another. Being a small plant, it is suitable for growing in pots or flowerbeds.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Agave bracteosa

    Family: Agavaceae

    Altezza della pianta: 15-25cm

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