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Vivai Mola della Badia

Agave pygmaea - agave (Pot 10-14-18 cm)

Agave pygmaea - agave (Pot 10-14-18 cm)

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Altezza della pianta: 5-10cm

Genus of over 200 species of rosette-forming monocarpic perennials and succulents of desert and mountainous regions of North and Central America. The Agave pygmy is a small plant with a compact rosette made up of enlarged leaves, blue-grey in color with small marginal spines and a reddish-brown apical spine. On the underside of the leaves, the marks left by the previous leaves are very evident, and form elegant designs.

Pedoclimatic needs

Given its small size, this species is particularly suitable for growing in pots or small flowerbeds. Grow in well-drained soil enriched with some organic matter. Watering must be regular from March to September, suspending it in the winter months. It prefers full sun exposure. This species is not very rustic and cannot tolerate temperatures below 0/-2°c. It is advisable to keep the plant sheltered during the colder periods on the veranda or balconies. During the dry season it resists drought well, although it benefits from regular irrigation by waiting for the earth to dry between one irrigation and another.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Agave pygmaea

Family: Agavaceae

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