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Vivai Mola della Badia

Agave weberi x Americana - hybrid agave (Square vase 7x7x10 cm)

Agave weberi x Americana - hybrid agave (Square vase 7x7x10 cm)

Regular price €4,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4,90 EUR
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Altezza della pianta: 25-30cm

Medium-large succulent plant, which can reach a height of 2-3 meters. It has 1.5-2 meter long, glaucous-coloured leaves gathered in a rosette with a brown thorn at the apex and a few thorns along the leaf margins. This hybrid has intermediate characteristics between the two species, resembling Agave weberi more. The flowers are yellow collected in clusters on an inflorescence up to 6 meters high. Once the flower has been produced, the plant dies, but the numerous basal shoots remain viable.

Pedoclimatic needs

It prefers drained soil without water stagnation, preferably with a good limestone content. Grow in full sun. It can be grown in large pots or better in the ground or in flowerbeds. Moderately rustic species, it resists short night frosts and minimum temperatures reaching -6°/-8°c. During the dry season it resists heat and drought well, although it benefits from regular irrigation by waiting for the earth to dry between one irrigation and another.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Agave weberi x Americana

Family: Asparagaceae

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