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Vivai Mola della Badia

Amelanchier canadensis - black pear (10 bare root plants)

Amelanchier canadensis - black pear (10 bare root plants)

Regular price €6,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €6,90 EUR
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    Amelanchier canadensis, native to Canada and North America, is a highly branched deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 4-6 m tall. The leaves are ovate to elliptical, dark green, with serrated margins. In autumn, before fall, the leaves take on a beautiful red-orange colour, very decorative. At the beginning of spring, before the leaves appear, numerous very fragrant white flowers bloom, followed by small edible fruits with a color ranging from purple to purple depending on the degree of ripeness.

    Pedoclimatic needs

    Cultivate in any fertile, well-drained soil, preferring medium-textured, sub-acid soil with good organic substance content. It loves exposure in full sun or partial shade and resists cold and even intense and prolonged frosts well (up to -20°/-22°c). It cannot tolerate drought and must be watered regularly during the dry season.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Amelanchier canadensis

    Family: Rosaceae

    Altezza della pianta: 3-5cmcm

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    Cosa sono le piante a radice nuad?

    Piccole piante, senza il substrato di terra e disponibili durante i mesi di riposo vegetativo, (dall'autunno a inizio primavera).

    Le nostre piante a radice nuda sono facili da mettere a terra o in vaso, hanno un costo basso e sono una soluzione economica e pratica, soprattutto per chi desidera piantare alberi e arbusti in grandi quantità.

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