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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Citrus bergamia - bergamot (Fitocella)

Citrus bergamia - bergamot (Fitocella)

Regular price €27,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €27,50 EUR
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Altezza della pianta: 140-160cm

Genus of about 12 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, native to the Far East. Citrus bergamia is a small evergreen tree up to 3 m tall, with slightly blistered, oval-oblong leaves, bright green on the upper surface, lighter underneath. The flowers, gathered in small groups or solitary, are small and white. The fruit is spherical or pear-shaped, with thin, very fragrant skin, light orange or yellow in colour, and greenish, very acidic pulp. The main flowering occurs between April and May. There is also a second flowering in autumn, which will bear late fruit. This species is mainly cultivated for industrial purposes for the extraction of essential oils.

Pedoclimatic needs

Citrus fruits are plants suitable for hot climate areas and do not resist cold and frost; in Italy they are cultivated in the south and on the islands and where temperatures do not fall below +2°/0°C. Citrus fruits prefer loose and fertile soils, possibly with a good organic substance content and avoid excessively calcareous soils. Bergamot does not resist drought and during the dry season it must be watered and fertilized regularly.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia

Family: Rutaceae

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