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Vivai Mola della Badia

Ostrya carpinifolia - hornbeam (10 bare root plants)

Ostrya carpinifolia - hornbeam (10 bare root plants)

Regular price €5,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,90 EUR
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17 in stock

Altezza della pianta: 3-5cm

Genus of about 10 deciduous, monoecious trees, present in the woods of Europe, Asia, North America and Central America. Ostrya carpinifolia is a deciduous tree with tapered foliage that can reach a height of 12/14 m. The leaves are alternate, ovate and lanceolate with a light green serrated edge. The buds are green and tapered. Flowering occurs in the spring season. The small fruits are contained in very decorative panicles. The trunk is straight and very branched.

Pedoclimatic needs

It adapts to all types of soil, even adapting to dry and stony ones, as long as it is well drained. It can be grown in full sun or partial shade, it tolerates strong gusts of wind and is ideal for growing in a large space. Very rustic plant, it resists minimum temperatures reaching -10°\-15°C.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Ostrya carpinifolia

Family: Betulaceae

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Cosa sono le piante a radice nuad?

Piccole piante, senza il substrato di terra e disponibili durante i mesi di riposo vegetativo, (dall'autunno a inizio primavera).

Le nostre piante a radice nuda sono facili da mettere a terra o in vaso, hanno un costo basso e sono una soluzione economica e pratica, soprattutto per chi desidera piantare alberi e arbusti in grandi quantità.

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