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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Pinus sylvestris - Scots pine (Square vase 9x9x20 cm)

Pinus sylvestris - Scots pine (Square vase 9x9x20 cm)

Regular price €9,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,90 EUR
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105 in stock

Come funziona

L'offerta è valida per l'acquisto multiplo della stessa pianta.
Questo sconto non verrà applicato sul totale di piante diverse inserite nel carrello.

    Genus that includes about 120 species of evergreen, monoecious, arboreal or shrubby conifers, long-established in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to Central America, in Europe, North Africa and South-East Asia. Pinus sylvestris is a very long-lived evergreen conifer that can reach a height of 40 m. The cylindrical and slender trunk can reach up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is fissured in irregular bluish-grey plates that flake off in the upper part, giving a reddish-orange colour typical of the species. The crown has a pyramidal growth and the leaves are needle-shaped gathered in bundles of two, dark green in colour.

    Pedoclimatic requirements

    It adapts to all types of soil, preferring well-drained and sandy ones with a slightly acidic pH. It prefers full sun or partial shade exposure and is a heliophilous species that resists strong winds and frosts up to -25°/-28°c.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris

    Family: Pinaceae

    Altezza della pianta: 90-110cmcm

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