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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Quercus x crenata - cerrosughera (Square vase 9x9x20 cm)

Quercus x crenata - cerrosughera (Square vase 9x9x20 cm)

Regular price €11,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,90 EUR
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33 in stock

Come funziona

L'offerta è valida per l'acquisto multiplo della stessa pianta.
Questo sconto non verrà applicato sul totale di piante diverse inserite nel carrello.
    Genus of about 600 species of monoecious, semi-deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs, widely distributed in woodlands and scrub of the Northern Hemisphere. Quercus crenata is a large evergreen tree with a slender habit, up to 25 m tall, very rare, considered by some botanists to be an authentic species, by others considered a hybrid between oak and cork oak. It presents intermediate morphological characters between these two species. Robust and deep root system. In Italy it has sporadic distribution, growing in lowland and hill forests often together with oak.

    Pedoclimatic needs

    Deep and fresh soils, preferably with a sub-acid reaction. Requires sunny positions and adequate space. Moderately rustic species, it resists cold and not too intense and prolonged frosts down to -10°C/-15°C.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Quercus crenata

    Family: Fagaceae

    Altezza della pianta: 100-120cmcm

    Se ordini questa pianta in inverno, tieni a mente che potrebbe apparire diversamente rispetto a come è mostrata in fotografia. Quest'illustrazione può aiutarti a capire come riceverai la tua pianta nei mesi invernali.

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