Sansevieria cylindrica - Warthog Tooth (Pot 20 cm)
Sansevieria cylindrica - Warthog Tooth (Pot 20 cm)
Succulent evergreen rhizomatous plant with long pointed cylindrical leaves, these have a characteristic dark green color with marked transverse grayish streaks. It can reach 60-80 cm in height. The plants form dense groups following the formation of numerous vegetative stolons. Mature specimens produce inflorescences up to 1 meter high consisting of numerous creamy white flowers pleasantly scented.
Pedoclimatic requirements
It should be grown in loose, light soil with a good content of organic matter. It prefers bright exposure or partial shade. It does not require frequent irrigation, except in the case of prolonged drought. Not a rustic plant, it tolerates minimum temperatures reaching +5°/+7°C.
Sansevieria cylindrica
Altezza della pianta: 30-50cm