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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Tradescantia navicularis - tradescanzia (Square vase 7x7x10 cm)

Tradescantia navicularis - tradescanzia (Square vase 7x7x10 cm)

Regular price €3,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,90 EUR
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    Altezza della pianta: 5-10cm cm
    Tradescantia navicularis is a perennial herbaceous plant with a ground covering or trailing habit. It has succulent, triangular leaves, green or red depending on exposure to the sun. The shape of the leaves resembles a small boat from which the species takes its origin

    Botanical Information

    Botanical name. This plant has rapid growth and reaches a height of 10-15 cm and an indefinite width. In the summer period it produces pretty small flowers, with three pink petals, gathered in corymbs.

    Pedoclimatic needs

    It adapts to sandy and fibrous soil types, preferring well-drained ones. It resists drought well and does not need regular watering. It prefers full sun exposure but also adapts to partial shade where it loses its characteristic compactness. In winter it resists down to -2°/-4°C as long as it is kept dry. It can be grown in the ground in Mediterranean gardens, where temperatures do not fall below freezing. In colder climates it can be grown in pots, placed outdoors during spring and summer and sheltered during autumn and winter. Being a small species with limited development, it is ideal for growing in pots on terraces and balconies. In areas with a mild climate, it can also be grown in small pockets of soil in rock gardens or dry stone walls.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Tradescantia navicularis

    Family: Commelinaceae

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