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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Vitis labrusca cv. "niagara" - White Strawberry Grape (Forestry Alveolus)

Vitis labrusca cv. "niagara" - White Strawberry Grape (Forestry Alveolus)

Regular price €5,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,90 EUR
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Altezza della pianta: 20-30cm

Deciduous climbing shrub with irregular shape and more or less twisted trunk. The young branches in the herbaceous state are called shoots, but once lignified they take the name of shoots. The plant needs supports to develop, to which it anchors itself by means of spiral tendrils. The leaves are palmate with irregularly toothed margins. The bunches of this variety are made up of medium-small sized yellowish white grapes whose pulp has a sweet and rich flavor, with a strawberry scent. It is a plant anciently introduced from the United States to Europe, whose fruits are excellent to eat.

Pedoclimatic requirements

The most favorable soils for growing vines are alluvial, volcanic, medium textured and well drained. It likes full sun exposure. It is a fairly rustic plant, it tolerates minimum temperatures reaching -10°/-12°C. Very resistant to drought and disease.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Vitis labrusca cv “niagara”

Family: Vitaceae

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