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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Purple Wisteria floribunda - Japanese Wisteria (18 cm pot)

Purple Wisteria floribunda - Japanese Wisteria (18 cm pot)

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    Deciduous climbing plant with stems that can reach a height of 15-20 metres. It has compound, impartipinnate leaves, with light green leaflets. The flowering is particularly spectacular and is characterized by having larger bunches than the common wisteria (Wisteria sinesis), up to 40-50 cm long. The lilac colored and pleasantly scented flowers are grouped together in very decorative pendulous inflorescences.

    Pedoclimatic needs

    It adapts to all types of soil, even stony and poor, although it prefers fresh, fertile and well-drained soil. To be grown in full sun or partial shade. Rustic plant, it tolerates minimum temperatures reaching -18°/-20°C.

    Botanical Information

    Botanical Name: Wisteria floribunda purple

    Family: Fabaceae

    Altezza della pianta: 120-150cmcm

    Se ordini questa pianta in inverno, tieni a mente che potrebbe apparire diversamente rispetto a come è mostrata in fotografia. Quest'illustrazione può aiutarti a capire come riceverai la tua pianta nei mesi invernali.

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