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Vivai Mola della Abbadia srl

Phlomis fruticosa - yellow sagebrush (forest honeycomb)

Phlomis fruticosa - yellow sagebrush (forest honeycomb)

Regular price €3,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,90 EUR
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Altezza della pianta: 10-20 cm
Genus that includes around 100 species of perennial herbaceous and evergreen shrubs or suffrutics, native to rocky places in Europe, northern Africa and Asia. Phlomis fruticosa is an evergreen, ground cover suffrutix that can reach a height of 1 m and a width of 2.5 m. The leaves are oval with a wrinkled and gray-green surface and the lower surface is white. The flowers are labiate and yellow in color, very showy and ornamental.

Pedoclimatic needs

It adapts to fertile, light and well-drained soils. It prefers sunny exposures and resists drought well. It fears the cold and intense frosts, so in colder climates it is advisable to spread a layer of mulching material (bark, straw, dry leaves) at the base of the plant to protect the roots from frost and humidity.

Botanical Information

Botanical Name: Phlomis fruticosa

Family: Lamiaceae

NB: you will receive the plants in a container without a pot. If you need to understand how to best decant your sockets, watch the video in this link , or choose pots and soil from the Pots and Soils collection .

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If you need to pot your Alveolus