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Vivai Mola della Badia

Arbutus Unedo - Strawberry Tree (Forestry Alveolus)

Arbutus Unedo - Strawberry Tree (Forestry Alveolus)

Regular price €3,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,90 EUR
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379 in stock

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Altezza della pianta: 3-8pmcm

Genus of 14 species of evergreen trees or shrubs of the Mediterranean basin. Some species are also present in western North America up to Mexico and Guatemala. Arbutus unedo is a shrub or small evergreen tree up to 10 m tall with compact and rounded foliage. Alternate leaves, entire, briefly petiolate, with lanceolate leathery blade and serrated margin, dark green in colour. The trunk is generally short and densely branched with reddish bark that cracks early and frays. The bell-shaped flowers gathered in small clusters are cream-white and sometimes pink. The edible fruits are spherical berries of a red-orange color when ripe, very popular with birds and wildlife.

Pedoclimatic needs

The strawberry tree is a thermophilic species typical of the Mediterranean scrub that extends from the coast up to 800 m above sea level. Not a very rustic species, it only tolerates short frosts down to -6°-8° C. This species sometimes forms more or less pure formations or more often in association with other thermophilic Mediterranean shrubs or trees, such as myrtle, buckthorn, holm oak, mastic tree and cork tree. . It adapts to all types of soil because it is well drained, even rocky and not very fertile ones, but it prefers loose acidic soils such as siliceous, volcanic or granitic substrates. Very ornamental species due to the beauty of the foliage and fruits in autumn. To be grown in parks or gardens for hedges or bushes. It can also be grown on terraces and balconies in large pots.

Botanical Information

Name: Arbutus unedo; Family: Ericaceae

NB: you will receive the plants in a container without a pot. If you need to understand how to best decant your sockets, watch the video in this link , or choose pots and soil from the Pots and Soils collection .

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If you need to pot your Alveolus