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Vivai Mola della Badia

Berberis Thunbergii Cv. Atropurpurea - Japanese Barberry (Forestry Alveolus)

Berberis Thunbergii Cv. Atropurpurea - Japanese Barberry (Forestry Alveolus)

Regular price €4,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4,90 EUR
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Altezza della pianta: 30-60cm

Genus of about 450 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the Northern Hemisphere, North Africa and South America, which prefer the rocky soils of mountain areas. Berberis thumbergii cv atropurpurea is a deciduous shrub that reaches a height of 1-2 meters with thick and very thorny branches. The leaves, purple-red in colour, are alternate and oval. In spring the plant produces yellowish flowers gathered in clusters, followed by pleasant coral red berries.

Pedoclimatic needs

It adapts to all types of terrain, even rocky and partially arid ones. It prefers exposure in full sun or partial shade. Partially rustic plant, it tolerates temperatures reaching -7°/-9°c. Ideal for creating impenetrable hedges or for planting in groups to create splashes of color. Much appreciated for the purple hues of its foliage.

Botanical name

Berberis thunbergii cv atropurpurea



Se ordini questa pianta in inverno, tieni a mente che potrebbe apparire diversamente rispetto a come è mostrata in fotografia. Quest'illustrazione può aiutarti a capire come riceverai la tua pianta nei mesi invernali.

NB: you will receive the plants in a container without a pot. If you need to understand how to best decant your sockets, watch the video in this link , or choose pots and soil from the Pots and Soils collection .

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If you need to pot your Alveolus