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Vivai Mola della Badia

Diospyros digyna - black sapote (forest honeycomb)

Diospyros digyna - black sapote (forest honeycomb)

85 in stock

Regular price €8,70 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8,70 EUR
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Come funziona

L'offerta è valida per l'acquisto multiplo della stessa pianta.
Questo sconto non verrà applicato sul totale di piante diverse inserite nel carrello.

Plant Description

Genus consisting of about 700 species of deciduous or evergreen trees spread across many continents. Some species are bred for the production of edible fruit and others for the production of excellent quality wood. Diospyros digyna is an evergreen tree up to 8-10 m tall, native to Mexico. It has an erect shape with a spreading crown, especially in isolated specimens. The lanceolate leaves are large, shiny and deep green. The fruits are spherical green berries that when ripe have brown or black pulp with large kidney-shaped seeds. This fruit, like the common persimmon, should be eaten only after wilting. The flavor is sweet and creamy and resembles chocolate.

Pedoclimatic requirements
It should be grown in deep, fresh and well-drained soil. It is a non-rustic tropical plant that fears the cold and can be grown outdoors only in the citrus climate, where temperatures do not fall below +3°/+5°C. It prefers exposure to the sun or partial shade. This species does not tolerate drought and during the dry season it should be watered regularly.

Botanical Information
Botanical Name: Dioscorea batatas
Family: Dioscoreaceae

Altezza della pianta: 15-20cm

NB: you will receive the plants in a container without a pot. If you need to understand how to best decant your sockets, watch the video in this link , or choose pots and soil from the Pots and Soils collection .

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If you need to pot your Alveolus